Saturday, July 5, 2008

We Walked Off to Look for America

Hi to all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July.

Fourth of July overseas is an odd thing. This is the first time I've spent our Independence Day away from the good old US of A and it was interesting. I definitely missed being able to be with my family and friends and watching the fireworks. The Fourth isn't quite the same without those things.

We spent the day relaxing... it was one of the first days when we didn't have classes or anything to go to and we could just sit around enjoying the day. My roommates and I went out to lunch and we ended up in a part of town close to our apartment where a lot of immigrants from African live. We ate in an African restaurant (I wish I could tell you what kind specifically, but I honestly have noe idea). It was definitely a new experience. I can't say that I have ever had any type of African food before. I ended up getting some chicken which was cooked in this lemon sauce with vegetables (carrots, peas, and onions) cooked with it. It was good and different. Not a meal that I would want everyday, but a good experience.

After lunch, we made our way over to Chaussee d'Ixelles, which is one of the main shopping streets in Brussels. Sales in European stores work differently than in America. Instead of having sales throughout the year, they have one big sale that lasts throughout the months of July and August. These are really good sales too, with most places giving at least 50% discounts. The only catch is that you have to go early (as in the first few days of July) to get any of the good stuff before it gets all picked over. We shopped for a bit and all the stores were pretty crazy. There were a bunch of people and long lines for dressing rooms, but the prices were worth it. I only got one shirt, but it was an interesting experience.

That night, we went out to celebrate the Fourth, at an English Pub (irony for you?), which was fun. We were going to go out to a club afterwards to dance, but we didn't make it that far. It was a good night despite that though, but not quite a traditional Fourth of July.

Well, that's about it for my Fourth of July. I hope your's was a bit more traditional.

Love to all,

PS - I am super excited because we found a Mexican restaurant (finally!), which is actually only a few blocks from our apartment and we are going there for dinner tonight! Hopefully it will be good. I'll keep you updated.


Mary and Bob said...

Hi Court:
Your journal entries will make a wonderful history of all the sights and places you have been so fortunate to experience. I never knew you were into Mexican food and to get it in Ireland is quite a surprise. I guess Tim won't be over since they must soon get ready for the football season. In his place, I'm sending a gal from Tallahassee to visit with you. Oh yea, she's your Mother. Keep learning and keep having a wonderful time.

Aunt Mary and Uncle Bob

Unknown said...

Hey Courtney,
A very interesting 4th indeed. African, huh? Sounds different. Will have to try that one day.
My fourth was different too but not in the not in America way. I went to a fireshow that our family mechanic puts on with my family Sara and Lindsay S. It was fun and not what I usually do. Hope all is well. When do you come back again? I always forget.
Hope all is fabulous!